Thursday, April 5, 2012

Object-Oriented Programming

Modularity of Object Oriented Programming is one of the reasons why OOP paradigm is considered to be a better choice when compared to structural Programming paradigm, “Modularity of Object Oriented Programming means that the logical components of a large program can each be implemented separately. Different people can work on different classes. Each implementation task is isolated from the others” Toodarkpark website (1996)

In which produces benefits of easier to trace and fix problems, as well makes classes within the code usable by other programs.

Other reason is the inheritance of old classes; by extending an existing class we can create a new class. The benefit from this is that we can save time in development; use already tested and debugged classes, we can use the same attributes and operations of the class or modify it; which makes the code reusable, easier to maintain and modify the code.

The fact of the OOP paradigm being reusable is one of the five benefits, which Booch, G. (1993) mentioned in his book, “the use of the object model encourages the reuse not only of software but of entire designs, leading to the creation of reusable application frame-works” Booch, G. (1993). Object Oriented systems can grow and advance by time; such systems don’t need to be rewritten if requirements changed.

By introducing objects and their attributes, Object Oriented Programming makes programs closer to the way we human think about the world, if we consider building a program or fixing a problem in structural programming paradigm, we look at the program and try to solve it in computer language way of thinking, while in Object Oriented Paradigm we consider the object, its attributes and how it interacts with other objects and try to build our program.

As well abstraction in Object Oriented programming, by which we remove less important details and concentrate on the important characteristics. Everything around us is an object, and in Object Oriented Programming everything is an object where all it attributes are encapsulated, which makes it easier to understand and build.

“Our minds work mostly with abstractions. For example, when thinking about a chair, we do not have in mind a particular chair but an abstract idea of a chair—the concept of a chair” University of KwaZulu-Natal (2007)


Booch, G. (1993), ‘OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN With applications ‘ed. 2 [Online], Available from:
(Accessed 29 January 2011)

Brookshear G. (2009), Computer Science an overview, Edition 10, Boston: Pearson Education.

TooDarkPark Website, (1996) ‘Object-Oriented Programming’. [Online]. Available from:
(Accessed 29 January 2011)

University of KwaZulu-Natal (2007) ‘Object-Oriented Programming’ [Online]. Available from:
(Accessed 29 January 2011)

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