Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pros and Cons of AI

“Intelligence is best defined as the ability of an individual to adapt his/her behavior to new circumstances”. (Oak, M. 1999) Homo sapiens are the most intelligent creatures, which have the ability to learn, perceive and understand the objects surrounds him/her and interact with them. The word Homo sapiens mean “wise man”, the question is can we create wise machines?

Humankind tried to create machines to mimic and simulate the human’s intelligence, McCarthy, J. in 1954 defined this science, which is Artificial Intelligence as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines”. In this field of science we are trying to create machines, computers or robots to be able to understand, learn and perceive surrounding environment just like human can. So far, scientists and engineers were able to create machines that has the ability to do certain tasks to help human in performing jobs that cannot be done by human. They created a robot that could beat the chess world champion, and created machines that are autonomous to a certain level where they can learn and use their knowledge to achieve certain goals.

With time, AI machines progressed and brought lots of benefits to its creator. A robot can survive in environments that are not human friendly and can explore outer space or dig for mines and fuels. Oak, M. said, “These machines serve human so well especially where human intelligence has serious limitations”. (Oak, M. 1999). In addition to that those AI machines can be used efficiently to replace humankind in certain tasks, as those machines lack for emotions, they are can think logically and achieve goals in less and more efficient time. AI machines can be used to diagnose an illness and recommend a treatment. As well AI systems can be used to authorize financial transactions and take action based on customers profile that the system builds.

However, as AI science advances more perils arise on the human kind, I might reach to a level where machines are replacing mankind in all fields, which will lead to unemployment. In addition to that we are becoming more dependent on machines, lots of people nowadays use calculators to do simple mathematical operation instead of using there mind, this will lead to less creative thinking. Abuse of the technology always leads to destructive world, as an example the TNT was not meant to be used in explosion, however it is used for that now. AI machines can be destructive to our world, military uses AI machines and they are smart enough “stupid in my personal opinion” “to take death-and-life decisions by itself”. (Thorisson, H. 2007). Lack for emotions in those machines make their use in certain fields like hospitals to replace nurses unsuitable, as patients need care and emotions. As well, emotions help human to think more rational and be creative, which machines lack for. Then from ethical and moral point of view, are we allowed to try to build and give God’s gift to machines?

Will this field of science advance enough to make those machines more human like? If yes, will they have their own rights? Will we become slaves for those machines? To what extent we can control their intelligence after we unleash it?  Will they have their own universities because they need to develop their skills and learn more? It might reach to a level where they can be unstoppable, feed themselves (when their battery is almost died that can recharge themselves, or they might work on rechargeable batteries), they might judge the human decision because its not logical and controlled by emotions, then decide to kill someone based on their own judgment.



Brookshear G. (2006), Computer Science an Overview, Edition 9, Boston: Pearson Education. p.452-493

Oak, M. (1999), ‘Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence’ [Online], Available from:
(Accessed 19 February 2011)

Thorisson, H. (2007), ‘AI War Machines March On’ [Online], Available from:
(Accessed 19 February 2011)

Unkown, (1999), ‘Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence’ [Online], Available from:
(Accessed 19 February 2011)

Wikipedia, (2011), ‘Artificial Intelligence’ [Online], Available from:
(Accessed 19 February 2011)

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