Sunday, November 20, 2016

Conflict Management

Conflict occurs in every aspect of our life and in all social levels, it is nearly impossible to find a relationship without a conflict. Each person has his own interests and beliefs that might differ from others, and the conflict begins when those interests contradicts with others interests and beliefs. There is a need to manage those conflicts or consequences would be huge, this because conflict ignorance doesn’t fix the problem in hand, on the contrary, ignorance or avoidance will results in frustration and creates more tension.

To be able to resolve or minimize the impact of any conflict, we should dig for the root cause of that conflict, otherwise it will get bigger and bigger, and that what happened with the conflict I will talk about. This conflict affected and still affecting millions of lives. This conflict started in 1917 with Balfour Declaration, which promised Jews a homeland in Palestine (TPV, 2008). I keep asking myself this question “who gives the right to Britain to promise someone with something it doesn’t own?” It would have sounded more logical if they promised them with “Wimbledon” or “London”, because it’s their own land, and you can only give what you have. This promise initiated a conflict that is not solved till now, as millions of Palestinians were forced to leave their land by Jewish settlers to save their lives, they had to live in refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Iraq. Palestinians who stayed in Palestine started resisting the invasion, they used stones to fight against the Jewish settlers and the British army; it was not a fair fight. Since that conflict started till 1948 the year in which Israel has been declared as a state over a part of the Land of Palestine, the conflict was ignored, and the ignorance elevated after that. Palestinians now are scattered all over the world, some of them without passports, others without minimal human rights. Great portion of them are unemployed because the country were they live as refugee forbid them from working in 70 different jobs, they cannot be doctors, lawyers or work in the public sector (Allers, 2009).

In this conflict, I don’t blame Jewish settlers for coming into the Palestinian land, as they came to that land with a believe that they are going to live in a land without people, that’s how they have been educated as stated by illan Pappe an Israeli historian in Haifa university. However, I blame them for the killing and Massacres they did and still doing to the Palestinian people. Elders, kids and women are being killed everyday since then. This conflict affected Palestinians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians, Israelis and the United Nations. In addition to that, all Arabs and Muslims around the world, along with all Jews around the world, and this what turned the conflict into multiple wars.

All affected parties would be interested in returning Palestinians back to their homeland, as this is the basic human right and justice should be applied. As well as stopping the killing as this affects the humanity, the UN should guarantee this. Palestinians are not only Muslims; there are a lot of Palestinian Christians who suffer being killed by the same machinery. This makes it clear that the solution should be in establishing a state were all Palestinians regardless of their religion can live in, the way it used to be before 1917, a Homeland for Christian Palestinians, Muslim Palestinians and Jewish Palestinians.

Conflict resolution as defined by Buchanan & Huczynski is “a process which has as its objective the ending of the conflict between the disagreeing parties”, the methods they were used in the case I talked about, were mainly competing, avoiding, compromising and accommodating, but never with collaborating. Each conflict has a different method to resolve it, as what you can compromise like bargaining a price of a shirt, won’t be a good resolution for a conflict were lives and lands are affected, the best solution for major conflicts should be by collaborating because this is the only method which will make all parties believe that they were treated fairly and will be satisfied.


Allers, J., (2009), ‘“Turntablism” comes to the camps’, [Online], Available from:
(Accessed 4 June 2011)

Buchanan, David A., & Huczynski, Andrzeg A. (2010). Organizational Behaviour. Prentice Hall.

Conspiracy Reality TV, (n.d.), ‘Occupation 101’, [Online], Available from:
(Accessed 4 June 2011)

, Jews For Justice in the Middle East / If Americans Knew’, [Online], Available from:

(Accessed 4 June 2011)

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